laptop with journal and pen on table

Reposted from my Wisdom’s Allegiance promo tour

Good day lovelies!

I’ve been writing on and off for most of my life and my first published story was in 2011. Since then I have learned so much about the craft of writing. And the one thing that underwent the most evolution—besides my skill itself—is the reason behind my writing. At first, I wrote because I wanted to. I was curious about the structure of stories and the creation of a story, from character to plot to dialogue, etc. From grade school to high school there were several story writing assignments that I gravitated toward and had so much fun doing. That was my first inkling that I might be a writer. I greatly enjoyed the process and putting my imagination to good use. Also, by middle school, I was a voracious reader, thanks mostly to the Harry Potter books. Then I graduated to The Lord of the Rings and never looked back.

I have to say that those two series heavily influenced my writing, even to this day. The intricacies and depth of those universes encouraged me to create something similar. It was like they issued a challenge for me to try and one-up them, and I happily accepted, not really knowing what I was doing. LOL.

I didn’t start small or with baby steps—I just dove into the deep end and hoped I swam. I apparently like to bite off more than I can chew and then I have to struggle to keep afloat. Nowadays, however, I have more experience and books under my belt, so I can assess better what I can handle, how much I can handle, and when I can handle it. But I’m still learning. And I really believe that is key—you never stop learning. You shouldn’t. I know that if I stopped challenging myself and fell into a rut that I would grow bored and restless and wouldn’t want to write anymore. I have so many stories inside me and the biggest challenge is making a priority list and not getting distracted by new and shiny projects.

So, with around 40 stories published, my reason for writing has changed and grown. At first it was to satisfy a personal need, and though that is still important—I write for myself first and foremost—I want to say something with my stories. Themes are so important to stories, especially if you want to say something with finesse and subtlety instead of beating the reader over the head with it.

Yes, writing offers me an escape and a way to control things when life gets out of control, but my biggest pursuit is to make my readers smile. To give them hope or simply a warm feeling. To make them smile. I want people to enjoy my stories. That’s probably why I gravitated toward romance—readers expect a happy ending of some sort. It also gives me a thrill when characters triumph over tremendous odds since life so rarely offers such an outcome. Other genres don’t always give me that cleanly resolved ending. I definitely write escapist fiction/fantasy/romance and I won’t apologize for it. I firmly believe romance can say something important, if nothing else then you can be loved for who you are. Just have courage and put yourself out there.

So... why do I write? Lots of reasons. I enjoy it. I want to say something. I want to bring enjoyment to others. I love to create. The satisfaction of completing a project is like nothing else. It’s a natural high I will never get tired of feeling.

While right now I am focused on m/m romance I will be branching out and expanding on more diverse characters with different temperaments, identities, and persuasions. The options are limitless and the spectrum of human identity and all that entails is fascinating and beautiful.

May dragons guard your dreams,

M.D. Grimm


Author Interview